The great recession of the last 2-3 years has made many small business owners skittish about spending money even if it can help them improve sales in the future. However, there are ways to satisfy both the needs of conserving cash and growing your business at the same time. The key is to utilize lo Read More
Not so fast----the answer quantity or quality may not be that obvious. In reality both quantity and quality are important in sales. Read More
While improving sales skill is key yo ongoing sales success, how well you use or waste time can be more important. Read More
Today’s results are the result of work you did or didn’t do last quarter, the quarter before that, and maybe even a few of the quarters before those two quarters. Read More
More than ever before, collaboration and partnering are critical to business success and sales. Internal collaboration--marketing, sales, customer service --- all working together to grow the business; external collaborations--working with channel and business partners in reaching customers; collab Read More
Customers (and prospects) are funny creatures.

1. They don't care about you
2. They don't care about your products
3. They don't care about your company

Imagine that! These odd beings only seem to be interested in making more money. Read More
Tired of leaving messages for prospects to see if they are ready to buy yet? The sales person who sends these emails or leaves these voicemails looks, well….desperate. And of course if you’re a buyer on the receiving end, these types of follow-ups are really irritating.

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There are enough challenges in selling, I don't understand why some sales people continue to put up their own barriers. Read More
Major clients can't be measured at the level of each individual transaction. Instead, the investments made in serving them must be looked at over the longer term. Read More
Social media is connection, engagement, and sharing. It’s winning friends and influencing people. Some people mistakenly believing they need to tear others down. Read More

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