If your business relies on a sales team, it needs to be the best one out there. In order for your business to do well, it should have the best sales team possible; otherwise you are always going to be second to the other companies offering your products and services. To get a sales team that meets Read More
This article provides data that supports that online activity affects offline activity. So an online review of your site correlates to your offline sales. Read More
When all is said and done, the winner in sales is the one that executes. Not only those who execute well, but even more so those who execute consistently. Read More
While it oftentimes comes down to finances and customer service, don’t be surprised if some clients are not taking a second look at how your salespeople are showing up dressed for important meetings. Read More
Your social media network isn’t your real network. Your real network is much smaller and much more valuable. Your real relationships network is even more valuable. Read More
The advent of summer meant baseball, beach, and crew-cuts. We sat inline in green leather chairs at the barbershop waiting for a promise that outweighed our disdain for the production head shave. The insult was followed by the injury of a burning slap on the neck with the green tinted alcohol combs Read More
My post yesterday, The Death Of The Funnel, Long Live The Funnel, stirred up some interesting conversation. I thought I'd continue to stir the pot by challenging the notions of marketing and sales funnels. Frankly, I'm not sure why we ever needed to have two funnels (maybe it was some marketing VP Read More
Self-serve is not new, nor are the efficiencies technology brings, that's great for buying, but when something needs to be sold, you need a sales professional, to make up for the inefficiencies of buying. Let's not blur the lines between selling, fulfillment, transactions interactions, and the rol Read More
I’ve been reading a lot of articles, some from people who should know better, declaring the death of the funnel. I have to admit, I get frustrated and tired with a lot of this talk. But more importantly, I think it demonstrates a complete misunderstanding about what the funnel really is. Read More
More and more professional buyers are adopting a ‘fortress mindset’ in their approach to dealing with sellers. Read More

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