When are we going to realize that buying--and selling has shifted? It's not about the pitch, it's not about broadcasting a meaningless message, it's about establishing a meaningful dialogue or conversation. When do we start realizing that we don't build trust through deception and manipulation? Read More
Define a goal and related funnel or path through to your website to assess the user experience and improve conversion rates for your website goal. Read More
“’We want to improve sales effectiveness!” is often the starting point of many of my conversations with executives.  “Terrific,” I respond, “What Read More
Did you know that there is a little used function in Linked In that allows you to contact key decision makers in your target industries? Read More
It often seems that sales people spend more time getting ready and practicing for a round of golf than they do for key sales meetings. It maybe the difference between success and showing up. Read More
Conferences have a ton of potential to super charge your business, but they can also be overwhelming and full of people. Eleven great ways to maximize the value of your conference ticket. Read More
We were talking about her frustrations, as a buyer, with sales people. She said something that struck me, What happened to common sense? Read More
The age-old "Case Study" is too often abused, misused and downright confusing... This article addresses how, when and why to use the Case Study appropriately to help move a prospect over to become a purchasing customer. Read More
Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do it. Thoughts on sales and the temptation of low value distraction over higher value work. Read More
It's sales people who think their job is to provide a quote or a proposal. Let's not forget, our jobs--what we get measure and compensated on is not quotes, it's orders! What's important to our companies is the revenue we get from fulfilling an order! Read More

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