Business Acumen has been identified by sales leaders as the critical sales skill in order to compete and win in the new era of leaner and meaner sales forces. Read More
Your rituals are the behaviors that you commit to that have no end. It is their consistency and their endlessness that make them the driving force of your results. Read More
I’ve heard ‘em all. Every reason why creating and maintaining an e-Rep is a great idea, but not for me because…

* I’m too busy
* I don’t know what to blog about
* I’m no tech whiz
* It’s too complex
* It’s too hard to learn how
* I’m a sales pro, not a techo-geek
Read More
Do you have trouble getting started prospecting first thing in the morning? Are you distracted? Avoid distractions; don't check email first thing in the morning. Read More
Do you ever feel like you write follow up emails, but people rarely respond? Follow up emails is one of the most high ROI ways to spend your time. Here are tips on how to optimize your follow up emails and make it easy for people to write back and respond. Read More
Can you give me a picture of your customer? What type of business is it, what type of person within the business is it, what are they trying to do, what are their passions, how are you going to address those passions? Read More
When the new Corvette came out in 1984, the president of our company gave me one as a company car. My red toy had the first digital dashboard; it was like driving a video game. Slamming the gas pedal pinned you to the back of the seat. I could go from red light to red light faster than almost any o Read More
One way to figure out how to make a better cold call (and no cold calling is not dead), is to examine a bad one and learn what to avoid. That is exactly what Art Sobczak does in today's guest post, both looking at the mistakes, and suggesting alternatives. Read More
There is one primary reason that entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and consultants fail. And there is a single, simple (yet difficult) solution. Read More
If you want your sales and marketing will be really effective you have take a leaf out of the Detectives’ manual (yes there is one). You have to profile consumer behaviour and find out what makes your customers tick. Find out what they are really looking for when they make that final purchase decis Read More

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