Many small companies find it discouraging to make 100 cold calls that result in only two or three strong sales leads. But according to a post by Alex Kuang on the SalesPractice blog, a lot of traction can be generated by making the most of that small success rate. Read More
With more sellers chasing fewer customers these days, do B2B buyers have the upper hand? Well, according to buyers themselves, the answers is yes. However, it’s also apparent that some B2B sellers are leaving themselves vulnerable to manipulation... Read More
Automation has increased sales opportunities at the expense of quality. More leads means less time to cultivate and nurture relationships. Shoe leather is expensive, and, it’s easier and cheaper to send an email than make a phone call. Is customer experience suffering as a result? Read More

In Praise of Non-Compliance

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4839 days ago
Non-compliance means digging your heels in and making a good fight when there is a good reason to do so, when there is something worth fighting for.
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Understand where and how decisions are made can change ones view and approach to a buying organization. Sometimes sales people see barriers where there opportunities, if they were to step back and reassess. Read More
We confuse activity and progress, unfortunately too often focusing on activity rather than progress. Read More

Call Me Next Quarter

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4840 days ago
You heard your dream client say: “Call me next quarter.” This sounds like an opening. It sounds like they really want you to call them next quarter. They don't. Read More
When communicating in business, it is vital to recognize the Channels of Persuasion--who you're dealing with and her relative position to you, and be able to effectively deliver a message that will be heard--and acted upon! Read More
There's the old -- and still good -- maxim in sales, follow the money. As sales people, we continue to chase the money. We're measured on revenue, our job is to grow revenue, we focus on orders. Read More
Do you use Google Places to prospect for new business? You can find numerous companies in different cities that fit your ideal client, all with a simple search. Read More

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