If you do not actively pursue prospects, engage them and try to get their interest in you and in what you offer, you will never make it in self employment, sorry.

Selling is the most intimidating aspect of running a business. For most beginners is business even the thought of having to actively Read More
Every year, US companies invest $4-6 Billion in training (From a person who really knows, Dave Stein, CEO of ESResearch). This includes internally developed training as well as that procured through the training companies. It's a huge amount of money, yet most of that money is wasted, Dave Stein wo Read More
Too often in professional selling we are so rushed to “get the deal closed” that we fail to pay adequate attention to the critical details that will make the difference between success and failure. It happens everyday across our respective enterprises and has plagued us for millennia.

What detai Read More

Networking is a specialised way of building your business which uses your personal skills as a way of gaining more leads, referrals and sales

In order to be good at networking you may need to develop your communication and sales skills. The following notes are deigned to help.
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Did you know that a vast majority of all sales leads are virtually ignored? How may? If you have a 50/50 split on how your leads come to your, being real world and online tactics, the you and most of your competitors are missing up to 72% of available sales leads. Read More
As bad as taking on too much work may seem, it is an unfortunate reality for many small companies. Quite often it is their only way to survive, especially if they constantly reduce price to win new work. On the other hand, a lot of small business owners use this to show off their position on the ma Read More
Did you know that more and more executives are watching work related videos on line. In fact the percentage of US executives who watch online video weekly is staggering Read More
Many sales people seem to take the same approach to their pipeline and sales success as many do to retirement. All things considered, it is much better to have a plan and execute it. Read More
The response has been far beyond my expectation (almost embarrassing), but distinguishes Dell, it's leadership and it's commitment to customer excellence. Read More

No One Makes You a Leader

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From http://wp.me 4851 days ago
As a salesperson, you are also a leader. You are a strategic orchestrator, making sure that everyone is working together to make the outcomes you promised a reality. Read More

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