According to a recent post by Maria Pergolino on The Marketo Modern B2B blog, many companies are so busy looking for new customers that they neglect the leads that they already have. As a result, up to 70% of strong sales leads “fall through the cracks.” Here's how to keep that from happening.
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There are all kinds of things you can do to be valuable to your clients and your dream clients. But, ultimately, you serve your clients at one of four levels. Read More
Your sales proposal document is a powerful tool in the sales conversion process. This checklist will help you create a sales proposal that boosts your conversion rate! Read More
Salespeople mistakenly believe that money they leave on the table is only their money. They also leave money on the table that their client could have claimed. Read More
How can you be a superhero? You are already made up of the same stuff as superheroes—or you could be. Read More
I recently watched the movie Tommy Boy starring David Spade and the late Chris Farley for the 47th time since it's release in 1995. It is a great film, one of my favorites. Watching it again, it had me rolling on the floor laughing just like always. This time though, I realized how good of a sales Read More
Have you ever tried to sell to Mr Know-it-all?
You know the guy. You meet him for the first time and he’s done a ton of research. He thinks he knows what his problem is and what he needs to fix it. He’s looked up you and your competitors and and thinks he knows all your relative strengths and Read More
With that as a preamble, during the discussion, Craig asked what we thought of the term Chief Revenue Officer. To tell you the truth, I'd never thought about it before, I'd never really taken it terribly seriously. Apparently, it's coming more in vogue, though I'm a little confused about why. I lat Read More
Sales organizations with a “no soliciting” sign should take the sign down. The message it sends to your sales force isn’t worth it. Read More
Entrepreneurs often find themselves facing a dilemma as to whether they should go in for a price cut. Does slashing prices make great business sense? Read More

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