Congratulations! All of your homework and follow up has paid off! You landed the first meeting with your prospect. Join us and learn how to not just stay inside, but move through your sales process with Gary S. Hart. Read More
When it comes to purchasing CRM software, one thing is for sure, it’s a buyer’s market. The proliferation of cloud-based CRM software out on the market today is mind-boggling and that is good news for SMBs. Read More
Managing time is a waste, allocating time and managing activities is great. What you have to ensure is that you allocate time to ALL important and obvious activities, not just some. Read More
You can (and should) help your salespeople overcome their resistance to the sales process. Here are a few ideas. Read More
Last week, I met with a sales team I’d been coaching on a large opportunity. For the most part, they were doing everything right. They had focused on identifying all the critical business impact, change management, and related issues facing the customer. They had presented a business based solution Read More
During this office hours we talked about all kinds of ideas, but one really big--and not so flattering--idea surfaced. That idea was the abdication of our responsibility as sales managers in providing some really important tools. Read More
I'm a tremendous fan of Buyer Personas*. Anyone who isn't leveraging this concept heavily in all marketing and sales programs is missing a tremendous opportunity. Strong buyer personas is the foundation for marketing programs, content development, and nurturing potential prospects. Read More
Customers will always leave for your competitors and while this may be completely unavoidable, knowing the reasons why they leave will help you greatly improve client retention. Read More
While it is important for a sales person to advocate for the client, they have to sell to the client. Too many sales people spend time and energy selling the deal to their managers instead of the buyer. Read More
Every now and then I come across something that instantly makes me stop whining about my challenges and troubles. Makes me feel like a jerk for complaining about things. Read More

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