No, I'm not referring to the famous Chuck Norris film, I thinking about a challenge faced by many new managers. Here's what happens, you've been promoted into your first manager's role. You feel like you've been granted access to a special community. Somehow the status of "manager" bestows speci Read More
Talk about a guy who understands the art of the compelling sales conversation!

To me, the most interesting part of our conversation was exploring Kelley’s perspective on why “Ditch the pitch” and “Practice your presentation 6-7 times” are not conflicting bits of advice. Yes, repeatedly practice Read More
Sales people need to stop the end of month or quarter ritual and adopt a year round approach to success. A steady flow of input makes for a steady flow of output, delivering better results with no extra effort. Read More
There is an old saying: “be careful what you wish for.” Sometimes your wishes come true, and sometimes that dream client you have pursued and won turns out to be a nightmare client. Read More
My last post, Effective Sales Coaching–Closing The Loop, has generated some interesting feedback. One of the thoughts that came up is our propensity to plan, talk about new ideas, but our failure to move forward.

I encounter this all the time. Well intended people invest lots of time and ener Read More
If you complete a President’s Model analysis for an important account, you’ll likely know more about that customer than its employees know. Read More
The first line sales manager is unquestionably one of the most difficult jobs in business—even if you have experience. Read More
Have you seen LinkedIn's Signal search capabilities? It is a great way to find potential sales leads, jobs, or just about anything that you may want to find. Read More
The better job you do of hiring, the easier will be your job of managing and leading. The poorer you do at hiring, the more difficult. Read More
Transitioning from the role of individual contributor to a freshly minted New Manager is fraught with opportunities to make mistakes. This week, we will be talking a lot about this transition at Future Selling Institute. In this article, I just want to focus on three things, I've seen happen to n Read More

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