Cold calling sucks. When you call someone that you don't know and interrupt their day, it really doesn't make a great impression and actually turns them off wanting to do business with you. Read More
Implementing something new, be it KPI's, CRM, or sales process is good, but it is not the same as successfully executing. To do that you have to create and Execute an objective based plan with measurables and deadline. Read More
Enough with the working smarter. You are smart enough to succeed. Trying harder in sales sometimes means you simply have to work harder. Blasphemy? I know. Read More
The choice as to which prospective clients we pursue is a decision too important to be left to the sales force. The sales leader must make their choice, they must make certain their choice is known and understood, and they must enforce their choice. Strategy is, among other things, choosing what no Read More
A leader's job is maximizing the performance of their teams. We do this through training, tools, processes, coaching and other means---all focused on improving the performance of each person on the team. One of the critical elements of performance management is starting with the right people in t Read More
Not long ago, I was asked by some investors to assess the business plan of a start-up company. I jumped at the opportunity, I love working with entrepreneurs and launching new products and companies. The team I met with was filled with passion and excitement, they saw no barriers, everthing was opp Read More
... How to make a fortune by getting inside the heads of your customers,” Denny Hatch discusses the seven emotional appeals that stimulate action... the things that drive people to make decisions. In order to have a successful business or practice you obviously have to sell something to someone. An Read More
Instead of spending far too much time watching the basketball tournament (and setting up a bad Q2-2011), set up your own Dream Client March Madness. Read More
Until your dream client has enough time and experience, they aren’t easily swayed by your honest assessment of their constraints and the true cost of results. Read More
Perhaps it’s not politically correct to talk about the role of power in business. We all know, however, that dealing with and wielding power is a day-to-day reality for sales reps. Read More

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