The issue is in today's Sales 2.0 world, who owns the customer? By this, I mean, who has ultimate responsibility for managing the customer relationship, growing and supporting it. Read More
What separates the ‘made’ deals from the ‘broken’ deals? Following some simple, yet often forgotten rules. Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, explains what anyone can do to help master the boardroom for ultimate business success. Read More
I was recently introduced to the concept of Minimum Viable Product or MVP. If you work in the software development industry, you most likely have heard of MVP. But for everyone else this will be an eye-opening experience. Read More
Have you ever said something during an internal company meeting and when you’re done think that maybe you actually said something worthwhile? Maybe even pretty darned good? Maybe something that can be packaged and used to help everybody sell better-cheaper-faster? Read More

You Are All the Same

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4945 days ago
You have been trained to differentiate yourself and your offering. You don’t have to work in sales long to run up against: You are all the same. Read More
Effective sales leadership requires that the leader set the agenda and then keep the sales organization tacking towards those goals. Read More
You know this story, I'm sitting at my desk, the phone rings, I answer, and an enthusiastic voice: Good morning Dave!, I'm Roger from XXX..... The pitch Read More
How do you get and keep customers?  The most important question in business and one that companies spend billions of dollars trying to figure out.  I am going to put forth a strategy that works and has worked for centuries: Pay close attention to details. Read More
Having looked at the sales process, and whether all companies need one, the question then turns to the basics. Where do you start to build and implement it, and who ultimately in the organization owns it. Read More
When you find your dream client, they don’t always know that they are dissatisfied. Sometimes you have to help your dream client become dissatisfied first. Read More

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