We have been directing our sales managers to spend more time in the field with their reps this year. I am always surprised at how much anxiety they have about these ride alongs, or coaching visits. Reps are understandably nervous the first few times a manager spends the day with them, but after t Read More
Is a lack of business acumen within the ranks affecting your sales? Sales leaders can’t ignore the issues any longer. Read More
Some web directory owners are either scammy or don't have an idea about what make web directory solicitations interesting for their own benefit. Read More
What is rarely talked about it the need for sales teams to be active on Twitter and other social networks like LinkedIn. On a base level, sales people need to be aware that social media and social selling can have a measurable impact on their win rates. Read More
Michael Webb poses the question:  Is a Sales Process the same as a Methodology?  He provides a thoughtful view (though doesn't answer the question until his Read More

Think Audience of 1

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From http://ypsgroup.com 4950 days ago
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again and again… Every h-Rep needs an e-Rep. That is, every human sales rep needs an electronic alter-ego; a highly personalized, customized, electronic version of him or herself. I repeat the refrain for two reasons:

1. It is unequivocally true Read More
This weeks guest post is by John Cousineau, looking at the need to to put the craft back into selling. By empowering sales people and organizing their work in order to achieve continuous improvement of their craft. Read More
The reality is this: If you suck at cold calling, it is horribly unproductive. That is the real reason you hate cold calling. Read More
Is Your Sales Culture Offensive? Clifford Jones, founder and president of WealthNet Partners, LLC, shares his thoughts about a recent experience with an offensive sales organization. Read More
By now, you probably know that I have a fairly short fuse and tend to get impatient fairly quickly--and sometimes unfairly.  However, I couldn't restrain Read More

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