Typically every jurisdiction have regulations to govern how companies can conduct business. Want to see how you can use regulations to help drum up sales? Read More
A dilemma many hiring managers face is what to hire for an involved sale, a product person, or someone that can sell but has little product knowledge. In the video I discuss which I feel is easier to train and makes for a faster pay off. Read More
I know. You’re just happy I didn’t say “bus.” Between the obnoxiously overused “threw him under the bus” and Good to Great’s most famous “getting the right people in the right seats on the bus,” it’s safe to say we’re Read More
Consulting doesn’t mean either being impartial or not selling. And here, finally, is the crux of my argument . . . Read More
A client called me today with an inspired idea. He posed the question, “What do you think about a strategy where we created a small amount of friction within our sales organization?” My curiosity was really piqued by this notion. Read More
A friend called the other day. He's a senior executive in the financial side of his company. He was clearly frustrated, saying, Dave, I need your help! The people in this organization and many of the internal functions are killing us. They can't stand the customers! They think everything would be g Read More
Day of Week: When possible, end your auction on Sunday. Saturday is your second choice, but it isn't nearly as good as Sunday. Time of Day: Aim at ending your eBay auction at 9 pm (+/- 1 hour) Central Time. Second option: the following 3 hours. More in the post... Read More
Want to see a way to sell your products and services easier? Try going into companies that don't get called on all that much. There are some great opportunities to be had. Read More
We've all come across the smarmy sales person who leaves us with the strong desire to take a shower after only shaking our hand and we can usually spot them from a distance too. Read More
For B2B professional services transactions, there are numerous factors that are considered in the decision making process. Thus, by creating tools that will assist prospects throughout the selection process, you can position yourself as the proven expert and define the process in such a way that an Read More

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