RFPs don’t work well for the company making the purchase or the sales organization. Yet we both continue along as if everything is fine. It isn’t; it’s broken. Read More
Last week’s Office Hours was on the subject of leadership (you can listen to that webinar here). When we scheduled this webinar, I honestly expected the focus of the conversation to revolve around the responsibilities of the sales leader, like getting salespeople to follow the sales process and sim Read More
My friend, Wally Bock, wrote an interesting newsletter last week on Bear Bryant. He ended it with a quote from Coach Bryant, Can people watch you in action and tell what your value ares? I thought about it for a moment, I think the answer is a definitive YES! 100% of the time! Read More
100 Sales Calls A Day? Sales Coaching Insights on Setting Realistic Goals. Share your thoughts and comments regarding sales, sales management and accountability. Read More
“Confusion is always the most honest response.” – - Marty Indik

It’s OK to not know everything. Think of it this way, division of labor is THE fundamental key to all human progress. Ditto for knowledge. Going it alone is simply not the best strategy. Read More
Ethics in sales is of the upmost importance. Keep this in mind every time you have an urge to bash your competition. This can haunt you more likely than not. Read More
Last week Toronto had a snow storm that was much more significant in the media, social and traditional, than in the real world. Getting caught up in the moment led to many getting caught up in the hype waiting for a storm that never really come. Read More
As consultative, solutions, customer-focused sales professionals, we know that we are supposed to probe our customer's needs, problems and challenges.  Doing Read More
The great game of sales is a competition. It is a zero sum game with one winner. What we are competing for is the opportunity to cooperate with our dream clients. Read More
I was struck by a letter from Steve Ballmer yesterday.  It was entitled, the New Efficiency.  I agree with many of the thoughts he expresses, particularly Read More

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