In order to convert your site / blog audience into your customers, the basic thing will be to align the profile of these two groups of people. What I mean is … if you are not attracting the type of customers relevant to your business to read your site, then naturally people reading your site / blog Read More
You are entitled to succeed in sales if—and, and only if—you do what all that success requires (and then a little more). Read More
Having a vision of where you are taking the sales organization is a part of leading. But getting there means using both your abilities and your position to overcome the obstacles to making your journey. Read More
What if we came up with metrics that were closely aligned with sales--perhaps shared with sales and put every marketing person on commission? Would that drive greater cooperation? Would it elinate the silo's? Market and sales are both accountable for generating revenue and growing the company. Alig Read More
Anyone who has served as a sales manager knows how easy it is to get off track and find yourself reacting to circumstances and demands instead of proactively leading. The truth is that it’s impossible for the sales leader to help his people remain focused if he isn’t crystal clear about his own pri Read More
Preparation is key to progressing a sale with a client. Here are some steps that you can take to increase your sales success and close more sales. Read More
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - - Leonardo da Vinci Next time you're looking for a cooler way to say Keep It Simple Stupid! Read More
No matter how you sources your leads, there does come a moment where you need to convert your call from an interruption to a conversation. How you do that is at time more crucial than where the opportunity originated. Read More
Then there are the "futurists," predicting how technology is going to change the world of selling, virtually destroying the sales profession while creating untold opportunities for companies to increase sales and profits. These are the same futurists who upon the invention of the telephone predicte Read More
So, you want to sell? If you are going to pursue a career in sales, here are a few ideas you should consider as you begin to search for your first sales job. Read More

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