A couple of weeks ago, I was on a panel with a number of peers. A couple of the panelists suggested the majority of companies they worked with had no sales Read More
Customer 2.0 is not waiting around for a sales person to get back to them with information, they are online looking for answers from people outside of your company within their own social networks and generally searching for people they should be in contact with. The trick (if you want to call it t Read More
The new year brings new opportunities and possibilities. It also bring a new feature to The Pipeline, a weekly guest post by a leading sales or revenue related expert. To start things off we have a very special view on the state of sales in 2011 from Mr. Dave Stein, CEO and Founder, ES Research Read More
To avoid the Procrustean bed, you have to work on the variable that has the greatest impact on sales results and the greatest impact on productivity; that variable is the win rate. Read More
It's Friday afternoon, the end of an incredibly busy week, I'm taking a few moments to reflect on some of the most interesting discussions of the week.  With Read More
Maybe it’s my age, but I’m finally able to confront the fact that there are a few business lessons that are:

* Unquestionably true
* Have been taught to me by mentors, customers and various & sundry successful, experienced executives
* Have been beaten into me by the relentless for Read More
To close more sales, have you ever thought of leading with something of value? Here is a video that shows you how to do that. Read More
There is a gap between where you are and where you want to be. Closing that gap means change, and only you can close that gap. Read More
Many business owners mistakenly believe that anyone and evderyone can sell. While this may be true, the essential compoment is ensuring that people are selling in the appropriate type of sales environment. Read More
Can nice sales people become effective sales hunters? Hunting for new business creates conflict and 'nice' people usually don't handle conflict well. Read More

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