I saw a comment by Alex Shootman of Eloqua at Focus this morning. He spoke of their performance management system in which they looked at performance across a couple of dimensions, Getting It Done and Doing It Right. I really liked his comment, but wanted to address it in a much broader sense. Read More
When a small company gets stuck in a long drawn out sales cycle when landing big sales they should pull out of the deal. There will be plenty of other opportunities for making big sales with other companies. Read More
The other day, I was having breakfast with a great friend, one of the most talented marketing executives I have encountered.  Unwittingly, we had the same Read More
LinkedIn is the go to place for sales people doing discovery on their prospects. It is also the place customer 2.0 prospects go to do some discovery on the sales people they do business with. With over 85 million people on LinkedIn, it always surprises me when I talk to a sales team... Read More
A lack of ethics when you are in business will come back to hurt you one day. Here's a post that talks to this point. Read More
Maybe it’s my age, but I’m finally able to confront the fact that there are a few business lessons that are:

1) Unquestionably true
2) Have been taught to me by mentors, customers and various & sundry successful, experienced executives
3) Have been beaten into me by the relentless force of Read More
In today’s business environment, careful planning and preparation are pre-requisites for closing big sales with large companies. Given here are some key points to be taken into consideration while closing a big sale as well as its major advantages. Read More
I just walked from a great job as head of sales where I was well-liked and appreciated. It feels kinda like I opened the door and jumped from a perfectly fine airplane. It seems crazy. When I share the news, Read More
Do everything you can to play the game as well as you can, and develop the highest level of competency at the fundamentals. Then, get lucky. Read More
We all need to Take Part in our personal, professional and career development! No one, no company is going to do that for us. We have to do it ourselves--whether it's participation in workshops, commenting on blogs, reading, or whatever. The best professionals not only Take Part, they Take Charge. Read More

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