From a sales point of view, it's easy to understand that Value Is A Mystery, after all the only side of value that we know is what we can do, our products, services, capabilities, reputation, and so forth. But until we know how our customer define value, it's a mystery to us. Sure we can approximat Read More
Using a Sales Assessment Tool, Sales Assessment Test or Sales Assessment Testing to Grow Your Sales

1. Use a Sales Test to Help Avoid Common Hiring Mistakes:

A sales hiring mistake can cost an employer up to 0,000 or more. Many employers are deluged with sales resumes, but have no way of know Read More
Your competitors are going to talk about the results they produce. That makes execution a tough differentiator to sell; unless you can prove it. Read More
I’ve written about this in the past, I’m a strong advocate of social networking and the tools. But declaring the future of selling to be social can be likened to declaring decades ago, “The Future Of Selling—It’s Automotive,” or “The Future Of Selling – It’s The Telephone,” or “The Future Of Sellin Read More
The development of the retail market is shifting rapidly away from brick-and-mortar storefronts and toward e-Commerce venues. In an effort to remain competitive, many small business owners realize the need for an online sales outlet, but struggle to overcome the barrier of entry into the online spa Read More
Making adherence to the company sales process optional, limits consistent execution and results. Management by objective should not be subjectively implemented. Read More
A force multiplier is an attribute that enables you to be far more effective than you would be without it. The most underrated is cohesion. Read More
The big pieces, the activities, the methods, the principles for selling successfully are widely known. They’re just not widely practiced. Read More
Do you want to see how you can remove any uncertainly in a sale? Why not provide a proof of concept. They often times move a sale along. Read More
There are many predictions being made about whats going to happen in 2011. Social Media Today has posted the B2B Marketing Predictions of 2011, Social Media B2B has even given their predictions on B2B Social Media in 2011. There is even a prediction on the End of B2B Sales & Marketing as We Know It Read More

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