Tis the season to be talking about the Death Of Sales. which I'll shamelessly exploit. As the year ends, I'm seeing a lot of blogs forecasting the death of sales. However, it seems that we've had the discussion, over and over and over..... Other than being great blog fodder, I sometimes wonder why Read More
Innumerate: Unable to understand and use numbers in a calculation.

No, this isn’t your new-word-of-the-day podcast. Its a wake-up call. Innumeracy is rapidly and relentlessly reducing the relevance of one set of professionals after another. Are sales professionals next??? Read More
No sales leads means no sales. Getting qualified sales leads is important in making sales. Here is an video to show how. Read More
A look at a great new tool for access quality Canadian B2B leads. See how you pinpoint leads and manage budget and still be able to drive your prospecting activities. Read More
A few weeks ago I wrote that I didn’t like business writing when I started out. Why? Well, it took me several centuries to write very long white papers, data sheets, and other sales collateral. Strange word ‘collateral’ isn’t it? The main reason we did this was the ‘assumption’ that customers prefe Read More
As I was hanging up on a call with a new prospect today, the prospect said something that caught me off guard. He said, Dave, I want to thank you for calling me right on time. So few people do that, it's important to me and tells me a little about your professionalism. I really appreciate your resp Read More
Trigger events are the talk of the town these days, but what's it all about? A panel of leading experts separates the noise from the money making. Read More
A short story about the power of thank you notes and attaching your business cards therein. Make nurturing personal. Read More
A week ago, I wrote a post,'Me Too,' Is Not A Value Propsition! With this post you'll think that I've gone mad or am speaking out of both sides of my mouth. But actually this article and the Me Too article represent different stages our Value Propositions go through -- at least in B2B sales. Read More
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been mulling over ideas on Lean Selling----no not what you think.  Every sales organization I work with is lean—cutbacks have Read More

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