Yes, I'm on that soapbox again.  There have been a number of research reports released, all highlighting the decline in sales performance.  CSO Insights, 2009 Read More
I love competing and I love winning!  Watching the Super Bowl was great, two great teams who left everything on the field.  No this is not a post about what Read More
It really shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. Ultimately, social media is about boosting sales. No, it isn’t just a fad that’s there because everyone says you should be involved in social media. Yes, it builds brand, but guess what? The ultimate goal of branding is also…you guessed it, sales. So, Read More
A well thought out strategy can help add revenue to the bottom line but reducing unnecessary costs due to carrying the capital associated with completed work that needs to be invoiced.
Here is a video that shows how to reduce your DSO using Spira Data’s application.
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Some Prospects are motivated by the Promise of Gain. Others are motivated by the Fear of Loss. The best Marketers will use both. Here are some Tips. Read More
Last night I participated in a fascinating discussion on engaging sales people.  The conversation was one of our bimonthly Sales Smack's.  If you are Read More
By Karen Axelton No matter what stage your business is in, as an entrepreneur, a big part of your role is selling. The problem is, many entrepreneurs don’t have sales experience, and have to learn on the fly as they grow their companies. The good news: It’s easier than you think to get past “No” an Read More
Here is an opportunity to support your favourite sales bloggers, thought leaders and providers. Take a moment and cast your vote in the Top Sales Awards. Read More
There’s been plenty written debunking the Sales 2.0 myth that you don’t need to make proactive telephone calls to prospects. I think we’re all past the failed fantasy that tweeting about our value-creating blog is going to produce the quantity Read More
Imagine this, a company has spent money trying to attract my interest in their online backup/synchronization service, they've sent appropriate emails, provided good marketing information. I spent some time on the phone with a sales person, making sure I understood what I was buying. She handled all Read More

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