My friend, Jim Keenan, considers this a key characteristic of people he hires--are they coachable?  Are they open to being coached, are they willing to listen, Read More
I'm getting all kinds of messages and emails.  I must be wearing people down with my incessant pleas for organizations to update their sales processes--to make Read More
I had hoped we were beyond the, How do we cope with this economy questions.  However, I recently had the question, What are the biggest challenges vice Read More
To help you feel confident in your ability to sell your product or service, we’ve assembled some effective and easy-to-implement sales techniques. Read More
In front of a group of business leaders and small business owners I ran a quick poll of the attendees by asking them to introduce themselves and why they were attending the group presentation I was leading. One response, in particular caught my attention... Read More
There has been such a great discussion going on at my last post on this topic.  If you've missed it, you should look at it, The World's Greatest Salesperson.  Read More
Successful salespeople are selective about where and with whom they spend their time. They are out looking for “real” buyers — customers and prospects who have both money and the ability to buy. Every minute you spend with an unqualified prospect is time not spent with a qualified one. To that end, Read More
We all know that customers are changing the way they buy.  It’s driving profound change in the way sales and marketing need to engage customers.  Read More
Do you want to see a way to use statistics to drive people towards events you put on? One great tactic that works that you can use immediately. Read More
My colleagues have been talking about OgilvyOne's contest to find the world's greatest salesperson.  I was curious about it, went to the website to read the Read More

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