Recently, I participated in a “discussion,” with a group of people I deeply respect. All of them were heavy hitters and well respected in their disciplines, I was almost embarrassed to be part of such a distinguished group. The topic was a discussion about a particular aspect of sales performance Read More
how to craft and tell your sales story. show prospects that it is not about you; it is all about them. lead with pains removed and problems solved Read More
The other day, I wrote about how even the best of us are seduced into pitching–perhaps when something else might be more appropriate. At the same time, the pitch–or presentation of your solution is important. Too often, however, we don’t have the impact we should in our presentations. It’s odd–t Read More
And if you have personal passion that’s great, but business success, not personal success is about generating revenue. Period. Hard to hear, I bet, but Feisty Ann needed to say it.

So it’s 4Q FY2010, (that’s business lingo) what will you change to be a passionate revenue generator in your busine Read More
Not long ago, I was in a conversation with the CEO of a professional services company. His team was struggling with getting into the customers and engaging them in conversations about their solutions. “They just don’t want to talk to us about our solutions!” he said. “How do we get them interest Read More
If your sales aren’t happening, do you think that you might not be going where the prospects are? Here is how to start looking for prospects and how to make an impact on your sales. Read More
Perhaps your a small local brick and mortar retailer, and you’ve just launched into the exciting world of e-commerce: The art of selling your wares to the world as opposed to simply your neighborhood.
We’d hope that you’ve gone ahead and installed Google Analytics on your website so you can see ho Read More
Earlier this week, I participated in a series of reviews with a sales team. Each sales person was presenting their key deals and what they were doing to win. I was uncomfortable in much of the meeting, but had trouble putting my finger on what was causing my discomfort. Read More
Finding a new customer is 6 times harder than keeping an existing customer. Here is a great tip that you can use to help increase your sales. Read More
Should we promote our best sales people into sales management? It’s a question that comes up a lot. I’ve written about it as have others. Most people come down on the side that this is a terrible strategy, not only do we lose our best sales people, but they are bad managers–demotivating the team Read More

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