Telemarketing Support for your Outside Sales force can have a dramatic impact on your business. Here's how a small, struggling company brought in an additional $100,000 a month. Read More
Networking events can be useful to find new business, promote your business or find new friends. Here are 3 tips to help you out at an event. Read More
Social media is changing the way our customers buy and the way in which we engage our customers. Before customers even see us for the first time, they have a great deal of information—not necessarily knowledge—about our company, our products, and our competition. I am often asked, “How should sal Read More
Recently, I have been in many conversations with people claiming, social media reduces the need to have sales people. Some going so far as to declare the extinction of the sales person. I don’t buy this, in fact, I think it is just the opposite, I think it increases the need for strong sales peop Read More
Do you want to know one piece of advice that will increase your sales? Take a look at this post to see what you can do and 3 piece of information to help you out. Read More
We all know the concept of the “Lone Sales Wolf.” That’s the person sales person that works by themselves managing the territory. Typically, we think of them as cold calling experts, acquiring new customers, building relationships to the level needed to acquire the customer, but probably not good Read More
There’s the old story about 4 Blind Men, one on each side of an elephant, each is asked to feel the elephant in front of them and describe what they “see.” You know the story, each describes the elephant differently because they each had a different perspective. Read More
It can be very useful to lower the commitment level early in the sales process, especially to get in. But you cannot get trapped in too small commitments later, when they will unravel your deal and cause you to fail for your dream client. Read More
It’s been a while since I’ve had a rant about people who represent our profession poorly. Today, I was a victim of one of the most dishonest and ineffective calls I’ve ever experienced. Not only did the salesperson represent himself dishonestly, but he has given me a negative impression of his c Read More
Are you on Twitter? Don’t know how to use it for sales? Here are several ways to use Twitter to sell. Give them a try and see what works for you. Read More

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