One of the keys of online small business success is to simplify the online payment process. Today it's no longer necessary to reinvent the wheel when creating a means for payment online thanks to services like PayPal. In this post the National Federation of Independent Business gives a simple prime Read More
Before Jill kills herself or me, let me clarify things. SNAP Selling belongs on your desk–within arm’s reach. It should be dog-earred, book marked, highlighted, and annotated. SNAP Selling should be your daily guide and reminder about how to thrive in the new world of professional selling.
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Every sales person knows about following the money–at least from the point of view of who we call on at customers, we focus on people who have the money. But let me look at this from a slightly different point of view. Read More
As sales consultative sales professionals, we focus on solving our customers’ problems. We qualify customers by finding those with problems they want to solve, focus on identifying their pain and needs, then propose how our solution addresses those better than any others. And our competitors seek Read More
Day 4 of the 10 Days of Twitter – How to search for phrases and keywords on Twitter – see what’s being said about you, your company, your product, your competitors, etc. Read More
About 6 months ago, I started taking lessons in a couple of martial arts, Tai Chi and Kung Fu. It’s been a tremendously interesting and frustrating experience. Progress seems very slow, I feel as though I am still in the “Wax-On, Wax-Off David-san” stage. Can’t wait to get to the painting the fe Read More
You’re a busy CEO of a growing company and you want to feed your sales team with a steady stream of leads ...leads that are NOT out of the phone book. But Read More
Show me the money! Those famous words spoken by Jerry Maguire have transformed into the current business model for companies today. As long as profits are showing and wallets are growing, companies are quick to forget about the most important person contributing to their success- the customer.
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Do you know how to reach out to someone on Twitter? Here’s how to do it. Day 3 of the 10 Days of Twitter. Read More
For years I thought that if I show people how smart I am they’ll want to buy from me. So I gave great advice. And people saw how smart I was. But they didn’t buy.

I made this mistake many, many times before I finally realized what I was doing: I was asking my prospects to skip a step.

There Read More

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