Words have meaning.

What you say is rooted in what you think about. What you think in your head... slips past your lips.

Maybe not today or tomorrow. Maybe not even for the next decade or two.

But it's inevitable.
Head mojo turns into lip activity.
If you find yourself saying... Read More
Online, when you only have a few seconds to grab your prospect's attention, you want to get the most from them. Here is why online self-service tool sells. Read More
In this audio, Silvia Quintanilla interviews Eric Doner, founder of Achievement Training Associates. Eric is chock full of valuable advice for any sales manager looking to take their sales team to the next level. Read More
I was having a conversation with close friend this morning. He was expressing frustration with a customer not moving forward on a particular deal. At the height of his frustration, my friend said: “We can have such a Monstrous Impact on the customer, why won’t they go through this Change?” Read More
Over the years, a growing divide and disconnect has been felt between the sales and marketing functions in many organisations. Neither has taken the time to fully understand the needs and requirements of the other, resulting at best in a breakdown of communication and at worse a complete disregard Read More
Did you know that there are several different ways to follow people on Twitter? Here are some different methods you can use. Read More
Business books, for as long as John Spence has been reading them, have been shamelessly remiss in covering three of the biggest drivers of business success. Read More
First, I have to credit my friend John Cousineau with this title. It came up in a call we had recently. It seemed an appropriate, is slightly salacious, title for this subject.
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Many big web businesses implementing freemium. Is freemium really lucrative in such a way that those big names implement it? Read More
Twitter can help with sales. Here is the first part in a 10 part series on using Twitter for Sales – How to Sign Up For Twitter.
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