In terms of return for time spent, pricing has the best Return on Investment of any activity. In general when it comes to pricing, startups tend to put their Read More
Fighting above your weight class means believing you can win, taking action, and competing on what matters: ideas, people, and delivering results. Read More
We seemed embarrassed to admit it, or we are trained not to say this, but selling isn't selling really about Self Interest? Read More
Maximizing customers means making the most of those who walk into the shop or use your sit, by ensuring that they get what they want and can be persuaded to buy more. Read More
I’m constantly about how few sales people really understand what their customers are buying. They know what they are selling, but they can’t explain what they are selling it for—that is why the customer is considering buying the solution and the value it creates for them. Read More
In Tom Peters’ The Little BIG Things, on Item #46, he makes the point that “Everything Passes Through Finance.” It’s such a important, yet too often ignored critical success factor for sales people. In virtually every situation, Finance is always somehow involved in the sale. Sometimes, it’s ju Read More
I’m constantly surprised by how poorly many sales people communicate within their own organizations. Sales people complain, “I’m not getting the information I need to finalize my proposal to the customer,” “My customer isn’t getting the service levels I committed,” “I’m not getting the support I Read More
It probably should go without saying that in order to sell a company, customer or client a solution, there has to be a problem that needs to be resolved. So what about your small business? Are you selling a solution where there is no problem. If you got your foot in the door on personality and char Read More
This morning, I was out for my morning run around the lake. Up ahead, I saw a guy approaching, wearing headphones, smiling, head bouncing with the music. Looked like he was having a great run. Everyone he passed, he shouted, “Hi!” Read More
I got a really interesting email today–actually, I get these emails periodically from various organizations. Today’s was from a very large company that we’ve done business with before (we are a customer of the company). The email was very personal, it started: Dear Dave………. Read More

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