No, I’ve not decided to convert this blog into a lesson on Anatomy, I actually want to talk about systems. But I don’t mean systems–technology, I mean systems–the way thing work, how things interrelate, specifically in acquiring and retaining customers. Read More
State and local government contract opportunities are abundant and, since most states “set-aside” a certain amount of contracts to small business each year, the opportunities can often be a good fit for small business. Here are seven tips for getting started in the state and local government marke Read More
I hear the phrase, “Pay For Performance,” all the time. I think it’s a reasonable concept, that is, the better you perform, the better you get paid. Naturally, we want to pay our top performers the best, who can argue with that? Read More
As much as I would love to think that you are reading this sentence because you saw that the post was written by me and you went ‘ oh totally wicked dude– I love Alex’s stuff’ I know this is not the case. 1:) because you are not a Ninja Turtle (really, does anyone speak like that?), and 2:) becaus Read More
Do you survey your customers to see how you are doing? This can help you grow your business in leaps and bounds. See how here and a couple of resources to help. Read More
I’m participating in a discussion with a group of people I deeply respect. It is about managing sales performance, particularly about getting sales people to do things they don’t like to do. You know what those are: Spending time doing reports for management, updating the CRM system, attending o Read More
Do you hate to haggle? Do you find it insulting when someone asks you to lower your rates? How do you feel when someone says they can’t quite afford you and would you consider taking the job anyways? Read More
Most of us in the SaaS community realize that carefully tracking your Customer Acquisition Costs or CAC, is a critical component in building a successful and profitable company, but I think it is equally important to understand how traditional software sales and marketing models and SaaS models di Read More
Sales people are great at “reacting.” The customer puts a hurdle in front of us, we know how to respond. The competitor does something, we know what to do. Our management asks us to do something, we immediately (well OK–almost immediately) jump on it Read More
Have your sales dropped? Are you struggling to get new customers? Do you think it’s tougher to sell for a small business than it’s ever been before? In some ways it is. In other ways, it has never been easier. Check out these Top 3 Tips Read More

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