“Life is a long lesson in humility.” James M. Barrie

At 20, I wasn’t humble. At 30, I thought about being humble. At 40, I realized I had a lot to humble about. At 50, I wondered how a guy like me had gotten this far. At 60, ?? Read More
Seth Godin may have come up with the ultimate training manual for customers of businesses large and small. It's only one post long and can result in customers who are either the most pleasant to deal with or those who we all dread for whom nothing is ever right. The secret, Seth says, is that the ones you get depend upon you Read More
Do you want to know 5 tips for finding value for your clients or prospects? This will help you look at helping clients and it will also help you grow your sales. Read More
Late in the game, buyers go through a stage in the buying cycle where they want to make sure that they not making the wrong decision. Little shreds of doubt creep into their minds, and they begin to have concerns.
The salesperson’s job is to resolve those concerns Read More
Here is way to show your clients what they would need to sell to achieve your savings http://bit.ly/9VBvCL #selling Read More
The U.S. government offers many resources and programs to help small business owners expand into overseas markets. But, you might be surprised at just how much Uncle Sam has to offer.

For example, did you know the government can help target and facilitate meetings with potential partners and buyers? Or that Uncle Sam provides U.S. exporters with international marketing and promotion opportunities?

Let me introduce you to Export.gov Read More
Have you ever thought about showing a client how your service can increase their enterprise value? Here is a way to help you increase your sales by doing just that Read More
Questions surrounding professional sales training come up quite often during discussions among sales people especially when the discussions center on professional selling skills. These discussions more times than not boil down to which professional sales training program is the most effective and/or which professional selling skills are the most important for sales professionals to master Read More
Did you know that there are 3 ways to increase your sales and commissions? Here is a video overview to help you with all three ways Read More
Dave Kurlan wrote an outstanding post: Bench Strength – The Key To Replacing Salespeople. He mentioned that managers must always be recruiting. It’s such a simple concept, but I am constantly amazed at how few managers–at all levels do this Read More

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