One Rule to Eliminate Fear in Sales-What keeps you up late at night? Is it the gut wrenching fear of losing your job because you are not hitting your revenue targets? In order to stay employed, ...One Rule to Eliminate Fear in Sale Read More
“If I have seen farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” — Sir Isaac Newton

Be humble and find a giant to stand on Read More
The other day, my friend Kelley Robertson wrote an outstanding article: Is Your Sales Training Putting Your Sales Team At Risk? The article prompted me to think about: Why is product and sales training separated? What would happen if we integrated our sales methodologies and training into our product training? Read More
Your sales results are the result of what you believe and how you act on those beliefs. At the halfway point of this year, let’s do some checking in Read More
Back in January, I realized I was wrong about proposals. I don’t do them anymore. I admonish clients and colleagues when they talk about writing one. A Recommendation Summary, while extremely similar, is profoundly different. And it’s much more than semantics. As an outsider, I humbly submit my proposal for possible consideration by the all-powerful decision maker to whom I must defer. As an insider, I offload the tough task of preparing a set of recommendations to address a pressing issue from the harried, overworked customer executive and am appreciated as a high-value team member Read More
There are a lot of things that seem beyond explanation in this world, and would seem to be supernatural or paranormal. It goes without saying that this extends to sales as well, where many things sales people do can only be explained as being paranormal. Trevor Stevens takes a humours look at some Read More
Sales Training-7 Sales Management Training Drills for Handling "I'm Interested, Ill get back to you"-Prospects lose interest in your pitch for many reasons. So before they do, use it to meet more and higher level people to generate shared interest. Prepare Yourself 1. Your ...7 Sales Management Training Drills for Handling "I'm Interested, Ill get back to you Read More
Improvement begins with the willingness to take new actions and to adopt new and better behaviors. To know that what you are doing is wrong and to continue to do so is no better than not knowing Read More
The other day I was having dinner with a close friend. He’s the President of a division of a company. Eventually, the conversation got around to social media (is it something about me?). He said, “Dave, I just don’t get it, you keep talking about social media and how important it is, but I just don’t get it, I don’t have time for it, my customers aren’t using it Read More
WARNING: If you hold one of more of the following opinions, reading this post will be a waste of your time:

1) I can’t keep up with all my e-mail as it is, so I am NOT going to set up an RSS Reader that will only flood me with more stuff I don’t have time to read

2)Blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media tools are not useful B2B sales tools

3) I’d start a blog, but I can’t think of anything to write about Read More

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