Trying to find an email address for a sales prospect? Here is how to use Google to find those hard to find prospects email addresses Read More
Understanding how and why you lost an opportunity is the first step to making the improvements that will allow you win future opportunities. This short list of places your opportunity when it died will help you identify the steps to keep you from losing other Read More
Google can be an extremely useful tool in sales. Here is a quick and easy way to use Google to find prospects. Read More
Are you up to here with “just enough” and “almost there” activities? Daniel Waldschmidt shows you how to get ahead by mastering the art of the outrageous Read More
My friend, Ardath Albee, and I were commiserating the other day. We see so many misguided approaches, whether they are sales people, marketers, individuals. They know the theory–yes, they’re supposed to be customer focused. They know they are supposed to talk about customer needs, problems, goals. They know they should focus on solving customer problems by proposing great solutions. But, to often it’s not like that. Just after the words, “how can I help you,” or “what are your needs,” leave their mouths — before we have a chance to respond — they go on and say, “but let me tell you about our products,” or “let me tell you about me,” or “can you help me?” The focus shifts immediately back to them and what they want Read More
Several days ago I wrote: The Most Used, Useless Metric In Sales. At the same time, I posed a question in LinkedIn asking people their opinions on the worst metric in sales. I was surprised by many of the responses. They included quota and revenue targets in every form–monthly, quarterly, annual. They included pipeline metrics, many variations of activity metrics and lots of others. Some of the metrics were very bad, many were simply bureaucratic reporting-having little to do with assessing sales performance, some represented micromanagement on the part of managers Read More

Sell From the Inside

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From 5171 days ago
Justin McCullough discusses the basics of how to get into the mind of the prospect and sell from the prospect's perspective. A useful, brief introduction for anyone considering going into the field of sales or who needs to troubleshoot problem areas in the pitch Read More
With millions of companies out there, how do you make yours stand out? You need to have a competitive edge. Sure, you can have flashy promotions and expensive advertisements to draw customers, but it is going to be your employees that make or break a sale Read More
In this post, I will explain how you can use your best content to nurture these early stage leads to the point where they are ready to take the next step in their buying journey – and to take it with your company. Read More
Everyone has a pet word (or phrase) of habit that is probably not results-driven, and that may be costing you sales. I heard a salesman say “Trust me” to a prospect the other day seven times in four minutes.. Read More

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