Customer Centricity is a hot topic these days.  I get on my soapbox on Customer Focus, Customer Experience, How Buying Is Changing, and various aspects o Read More
When salespeople hear price objections, the typical reaction is to lower the price. However, that usually results in a loss of revenue. Price objections often lead to price reduction, but with proper sales training, employees can handle them without lowering cost Read More
Metrics are critical to managing sales performance. Yet too often, we put in place metrics that are not only meaningless, but misleading. What's the most used useless metric in sales Read More
Activity isn’t a cure for all sales problems. But it is a solution for the problems that result from low activity. These problems plague salespeople with great sales skills but low activity. Take action on these ideas to improve your activity Read More
Want a way to help grow your product sales? Here is how to use Google Merchant Center to drive those sales. Here is a how to video to help out Read More
All companies send their employees to training seminars, but how much are they getting out of it? Most salespeople forget what they learn less than a week later. Read these sales tips to build learning reinforcement and increase revenue. Read More
Greatness in sales isn’t gained by delivering the status quo. You have set yourself apart by promising to hold yourself to a higher standard. Your dream client is going to hold you to that higher standard Read More
S. Anthony Iannarino looks at the implication of moving from the “80$” cam to the “20%” camp. The impact on you, your company and success. Anthony presents three questions to consider to help make the concept a reality Read More
Your behavior when you are not selling says a lot about who you are, even when you don’t want it to and even when you think it’s not fair. You are entitled to behave and believe as you wish, but how you behave and what you believe may be counted against you Read More
Which legal/tax structures are better for revenue and profits? See based on our 2010 small business award applicants Read More

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