BizSugar is an excellent resources for small business and especially for sales and marketing. Here is a video to show you how to use BizSugar to get what you are looking for Read More
Sometimes sales get stalled due to numerous reasons. Here is a great way to help remove fear, uncertainty and doubt and to get the sale Read More
Sales is a zero sum competition. The goal of your sales process and your individual sales behaviors and activities is to build an unfair advantage before you ever propose your solution. How do you create a playing field that is titled in your favor Read More
Successful selling requires sales behaviors that yield the desired results.Sales behaviors are determined by both knowledge and self-talk. Once knowledge is present, the salesperson's self-talk can either lift a salesperson to a new level of sales achievement or can act as a limiter on career and income growth. Read More
Small retailers should avoid rushing into top-to-bottom price cutting and focus first on thinking through a discount strategy. Some discounts can come back to bite you over the longer term if you’re delivering goods or services at a substantial loss, and customers start to expect the lower prices as status quo.

Offering discounts involves much more than sticking a “Sale” sign in the window. There’s a right way and wrong way to approach it…and promote it. Read More
There is an enormous difference between respecting your client and being subservient and fearful. Salespeople who fear losing choose to be subservient and fearful, and by doing so, they lose their dream client’s respect and their opportunity Read More

Don’t Disappear

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5181 days ago
Once you begun to pursue your dream client, you cannot afford to disappear. Even when you get another big dream client engaged, you must continue your unrelenting, value-creating pursuit. You cannot disappear for months on end without having to rebuild the credibility and trust you gained by our sincere interest before you disappeared without starting over Read More
Referrals are the best way to help grow your business; here are 7 tips to help you grow sales with referrals. In additions there are 8 places to look for referrals Read More
Referrals are the best way to help grow your business; here are 7 tips to help you grow sales with referrals. In additions there are 8 places to look for referrals Read More
Selling in today's business climate is more challenging then ever which means you need to upgrade your selling skills. Here are two strategies you can use to achieve that goal Read More

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