The vast majority of sales proposals suck. Most sales people don't write great proposals and lose business as a result. Here are 10 strategies that can help you create proposals to close more deals and capture more business Read More
Forecasting in sales is tricky business. Using the standard forecasting rule of increasing the odds of winning as a deal progress isn’t accurate and contributes to many missed forecasts. Ask the questions and study the evidence to produce better forecasts . . . and to do something about winning the deals while there is still a chance of doing so Read More
Two weeks ago, my car was flooded in a flash rainstorm. It’s a 1998 Honda Accord with 280,000 km on it and I bought it new. That car is by far the best I ever owned and I was pretty sad to see it go. It was as inexpensive and reliable as it gets. Here’s my experience so far Read More
In contrast to some who argue that a top-down approach is best, these four firms are benefiting from a bottom-up strategy Read More
Customer Service. Every consumer looks for it. Every retailer strives to provide it.

But the term is so overused and so under-executed that I have tired of hearing and thinking about it. In my own consumer life, there have been so many missed opportunities by individuals and stores where I have shopped to provide excellent customer service that I'm just about at the point where I want - no, need - to give noogies to every retail salesperson / clerk / customer service representative that I come into contact with. Read More
Justin McCullough explains why selling is an easily weakened activity that people in sales are frequently not doing. Then he shows how to up the ante and bring more focus to sales interactions. Good article for any sales manager, sales person or home business owner who is out of steam on the topic of selling Read More
I was having a casual chat with a friend this weekend who happens to be a very successful commission salesperson in the business-to-consumer space. I'm not sure how we got on the subject, but she told me that, as a consumer, she avoids dealing with commission salespeople.

When I asked her what she meant, she said she avoids buying from commissioned salespeople because "they don't care about me, they only have their own interests in mind." She went o Read More
How do you draw attention to the import points in your sales letter? You only have seconds to capture a prospects attention. Here are seven tips and tricks that you can use Read More
Do you know that your clients have certain dates during the year that can trigger sales for you? Knowing how to spot these dates will increase sales for you. Here is how to figure out these dates Read More
The new realities of how businesses buy and how agencies sell is changing constantly. Fact is, yesterday's approaches are gone and today's pricing game is changing as well. By the time you think you have it all figured out, the rules have changed again.
So, what do you do? This post talks about how professional procurement departments are dictating change to suppliers. It may not always be "fair" but as the balance shifts from supply to demand, not every "win-win" is much of a "win" for all involved.
A terrific article in Ad Age with some substantive comments is at the root of the post, and a link is included.
I hope you find it thought provoking. And I hope you will visit
Rick Pulit Read More

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