There are a lot of people that are counting on you to produce results. Your company is counting on you to increase their sales. Your dream clients are counting on you to find them and help them produce results. Your family is counting on you to secure their present and future. But most of all, you have to be able to count on yourself to take the actions necessary to being someone others can count on Read More
Every day in we talk to clinics that seem to be determined to destroy their own business. They do it the same way that thousands of businesse Read More
Lots of salespeople are challenged by having to make cold calls. But there are some principles that, if taken to heart and adopted into your practice, can make cold calling a lot more effective Read More
Sales is a metaphor for a number of things in life, sports, art, sex, you name it. But in the end when you look at sales as an art form, executed by an artist, you can't help but think that sales is itself a metaphor Read More
Change efforts come with their own pain. When the pain of the change effort outweighs the pain your dream client is experiencing, they are likely to keep the pain they know Read More
Sales people with short attention spans often need instant gratification. Sales managers are the same way… pushing to, “get something to close… anything… today!” If they don’t experience the immediate hit, they start looking for a better way.. Read More
Say Goodbye To The Billable Hour With Alexis Martin Neely exclusive interview with the lawyer you love on getting rid of billable hours and how she has built several million dollar businesses Read More
There is one thing that will guarantee that you increase your success on in booking a meeting from a sales mailer campaign. Find out about it here Read More
Is the debate on sales being art or science limited by the fact that science has little similarity to sales. A better comparison would be music or another art form, where you can look at the classics vs. the modern, and the constant back and forth between the two Read More
Effective selling has rules that, like gravity, cannot be broken. Working within these rules and allowing them define your sales behaviors will allow you to succeed. Violating these iron laws of sales will destroy your effectiveness and your results Read More

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