The smart retailer recognises that women are not a niche. They recognise that women are the long run.

Reaching women consumers is not a trend. It’s the lucrative future, for anyone who grabs it. Slightly tweaked male-oriented products or marketing efforts will no longer do. Read More
Sales 2.0 is a set of important tools, tactics, and strategies. But these tools do nothing to help a salesperson or a sales organization that isn’t already well-equipped with the skills and attributes that make up Sales 1.0 Read More
In business, one thing is certain: What worked 15 years ago won’t work today, and what works today will at some point in the future fall flat. Read More
Making new friends is hard. There’s a lot of anxiety in that first interaction. Will they like me? Do we have anything in common? Will I like them? How do I start things off?

I know, this is a blog about sales. Stay with me. We’ll get there.

The result of all this anxiety is that we often wait around for just the right moment, endlessly search or wait for someone to introduce us, or worse…simply avoid the introduction Read More
Here is some advice I got as a student. To make ends meet, I took a job selling wedding chest products.

My sales coach at the time told me. “Don’t try to sell products, show solutions to real problems And something practical that goes with that is a mattress test”

"What is a mattress test?" I quizzed and I got a lesson for life. Read More
SlideShare is a great website that allows users to share relevant information. Here is as video that shows you how to use SlideShare to find information that you can use everyday Read More
Closing The Deal: But what good is generating a bunch of leads if you can’t close the deal? Here is a selling lesson from Patti Harty from Stark & Associates Read More
Are you ready to dramatically increase profits by changing your money mindset?!!! This week Silvia Quintanilla interviews Marilyn August, a Sales and Marketing expert and author of Wealthy U. Marilyn’s shares valuable lessons about money conversations on sales calls Read More
Sometimes it is right to approach the C-suite. And sometimes it is more important to just get in. Truth be told, until you get in, you never really know where the real power and authority resides Read More
Thinking out of the box is key in sales, everybody talks about it few do it. You can test you "out of the box" abilities, and see if you talk about it or really do it Read More

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