If you're not speaking with power and confidence, you might be losing a sale and losing a potential customer. Being able to deliver a message, speech, or sales pitch with confidence and credibility is key in doing business. Many business owners, although smart and talented, lack speaking skills needed to convey the quality of their service and product. Part of having this confidence comes from being passionate about your business, service, and product. Human beings are able to sense very quickly if someone is not confident in what they are speaking of, selling, and doing Read More
Pharmaceutical sales managers better be ensure that their reps are adding value or the can be replaced by a less expensive call centre rep Read More
I think the biggest mistake sales people make is giving out their company website to prospects. Whether on a business card, in an email, or on LinkedIn. You’re losing sales leads with this foolish little move.

Think I’m crazy? Okay, answer me this.. Read More
Kelley Robertson provides a comprehensive list of mistakes you should be aware of when hiring a new sales representatives Read More
We often come to our clients carrying a bias towards our existing solutions that prevent us from getting a full and complete view of the outcome they need. A better way to diagnose your dream client’s organization is to remove the filters your solutions create and view their needed outcomes from their side of the table, using their outcomes as the filter through which to view our solutions Read More
Many salespeople fear silence during face-to-face selling interactions. If the conversation gets silent for too long, the typical salesperson pummels that divine silence with words, often in the form of gibberish, repeating what has already been said, or inane questions such as "Are there any questions I could answer? Read More
I support large sales organizations trying to get the most out of generally very talented people. Unfortunately, many of these people don’t believe it. Or have forgotten it along the way. And it all comes out in a flurry of reasons why I can’t.

Now I’m not a mindless follower of the think yourself rich cult, but I do know (as my Dad often said) “Can’t Never Did Anything. Read More
Do you want to know a great way to market to a broader audience? Hold a webinar. Here are some ideas that you can use for your webinars and ways to promote your webinar Read More
In meeting your individual sales activity goals, it is easy to call on prospects who are willing to give you their time. But this report fodder does nothing to generate results for you, for your company, or for these prospects. Salespeople are better served by focusing their time and attention on Dream Clients, the companies for whom they can create tremendous, game-changing results. These points will help you to tell them apart Read More
So, your company isn’t helping you generate quality leads? I bet they bought you a list of thousands of leads, dumped them into a database, and said, “Go to work.” …and there you are “dialing for dollars,” making hundreds of calls hoping someone will answer the phone… and when they do, you enthusiastically ask for the name you have on your list and hear, “Who? That person hasn’t worked here for six years.”

That’s not a great way to build credibility… is it?

You go to your boss and ask for help. You say, “I’m willing to crank the phones, but I need better leads,” and you hear, “Stop being negative, that’s just how it is in sales.”

It’s time to take matters into your own hands! Step away from the phones for just one day and take the following three actions Read More

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