There are always going to be challenges to deal with in selling, the question is how to not let them occur to begin with. If there hurdles you need to deal with regularly, why not just take them away.
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Learn about 30 ways that finalist companies for Winning Workplaces' 2010 Top Small Company Workplaces award assess the payoff of employee engagement strategies in terms of revenue and profitability Read More
There are 3 tips that you need to implement in your sales process to ensure that you will increase sales. Do you want to know what they are? Read More
Inside you is a giant, a bigger and better version of you. Most people accept a vision of themselves that is simply too small by conforming to the smaller visions of those around them. Becoming the best you requires having a bigger vision of who you are and of what you are capable Read More
The language choice of “overcoming objections” is ineffective, in part, because of its adversarial connotation. Effective salespeople elicit their client’s concerns, knowing that they are real, substantial, and must be dealt with in order to move a deal forward Read More
Over reliance on social media can give people the illusion of communication when at best it is nothing more than conversation. While it is important to be active in the space, it is also key to continue to execute core sales activities to ensure and benefit from communications with your buyers Read More
No sales call should be made without first taking the time to plan the call. Your plan needs to include all of the elements that will allow you to move your deal forward, as well as considering what you might be able to achieve should you not achieve your outcomes or your planned advance Read More
Some people are just a bit too serious when it comes to selling, even if what you are selling is something big and important. Humour is key to human interaction, and if you believe that people buy from people, you need human interaction, you need humour Read More
Too many salespeople mistakenly believe that asking for commitments that either advance or close a sale are hard sell tactics. Most salespeople have never been exposed to hard sell tactics, and neither have their clients. The hard sell requires an emotional leverage that you rarely find in business-to-business sales Read More
Sales professional is someone who invests in his knowledge, who reads magazines and web portals dedicated to sales people and attends seminars and conferences. A sales person who follows the trends understands how essential it is to improve him personally.Professionals are ones they know how necessary this is to start selling more. And of course – they are the ones who are earning more Read More

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