Do you ever ask your fellow staff members to help with ideas on how to grow your sales? Your fellow employees usually have a wealth of useful information that you help you out. Here are 7 tips to help you out. Read More
You know the old saying that nothing happens till something is sold. Well no sales happen without prospects. And those that make the most sales are the ones who most proactively prospect. Here is your chance to be part of that elite proactive group.
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Selling is not trapping a prospect in a room or on the phone and subjecting them to our “pitch”, selling is maybe 80% listening 10% asking followup questions and 10% wondering if you have asked all the pertinent questions Read More
Vendor managed inventory (VMI) is one way that you can help grow your sales and potentially keep your competition a bay. Here is are some benefits for looking at incorporating VMI Read More
Buying is becoming more of a team sport as more decisions are being made by two, three or more people. Sales people need to increase their team coverage and sell everyone, Zone-to-Zone Read More
Every prospect has a unique story. Their needs might sound similar on the surface, but when you dig deeper, you’ll gain inside information and improve your chances of winning the deal!

Let’s put your ability to uncover opportunities to the test.. Read More
From time to time, everyone is late for an appointment. But being habitually late for appointments is a serious problem and one that present your dream clients with an impression of you that will cost you and your company business Read More
Are you leaving money on the table? Here are 6 tips to make sure you maximize your sales to your existing clients. You never know how much you might be able to grow your business Read More
Many of the reasons that deals and opportunities are lost are due to some seemingly small mistakes. But small mistakes made as the result of ignoring the fundamental principles of selling effectively produce disastrous losses later. Losses that might have easily been prevented Read More
Last week I shared examples of actions I’ve taken to help win deals. Now I’m going to share some of the dumb things I’ve done that caused me to lose deals. Keep these things far away from your sales process Read More

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