Did you want to know the 5 tips that you can follow to get at 61% of the sales that your competition probably don’t know about? If you follow these rules you will increase your chances of getting sales that your competition won’t be going after Read More
While written sales material is necessary and customary, it does nothing to create value for you or for your dream clients. Most of it goes unread, or is simply discarded. Your limited time is better spent developing the skills to cold call and generate interest than by sending material Read More
OneSource deliver a tool that elevates prospecting to new levels. iSell provides Triggers, content and the means to manage and turn them into real value by allowing to spend time executing and leveraging ahead of the alternative in the market Read More
The great things about sales is that allows a number of styles and methodologies to coexist and thrive. So I am looking for your view on these two apparently opposing views on a core sales issue Read More
They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” so a demo must be worth at least 2,500 words or more! Right?

Buyer challenges are becoming more complex. Demonstrating the solution is an effective way to “show” how you can address those challenges. But in today’s sales environment, putting a demo in the hands of the wrong sales people is like an updated version of the old feature/benefit – put me to sleep – death where is thy sting – type of sale Read More
Both your personal development and your professional development are your responsibility. Studying both your success and your failures can help you to identify the principles that enable success, as well as the actions and behaviors that will produce better outcomes. Writing your own personal case studies is powerful and effective way to improve quickly and to produce better results faster Read More
Effective Sales Pitch means winning your customer in easy and simple steps by focusing on delivering winning sales pitch presentation. Read More
“Nope, it ain’t all ’bout how charmin’ y’all are!”

You smile great! You shake hands great! You dress great! You groom great! You talk great! You listen great! You’re responsible, reliable, responsive and there’s nobody wouldn’t jump to buy what you have to sell. You are irresistible!

But that — the selling part of selling — only gets you halfway there Read More
Selling should not be painful, either for the buyer or the seller, yet many in sales still like to find "the pain" when working with prospect. This is a dangerous approach especially in rising economies when people will spend on opportunities that are not rooted in pain Read More
When you hear or think about lead buying your mind often drifts to marketing. But really the advantage of buying leads is that the marketing is already done for you. Sure there are some differences based on lead generation methods, but really the secret to successfully buying and converting leads come down to your sales process.

Lead management is the secret to making that sales process disciplined and consistent Read More

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