Hiring a new sales rep is less than a perfect art or science. And many sales people simply don’t work out or perform as expected. This is largely due to the fact that many sales managers make a variety of mistakes when hiring sales reps. Here are 15 of the most common mistakes sales managers make when hiring new sales reps Read More
All great salespeople know the right questions to ask a prospect. Typically there is a handful that you can use repeatedly for your industry. Here are 8 tips for creating great questions to ask your prospects Read More
I’ve seen hiring managers try to scare interview candidates out of the job… telling them about the high volume phone and activity requirements.

Without fail, it’s like the sales person takes it as a challenge. Whether it’s true or not, the sales person usually says something like.. Read More
Great presenters are great storytellers. But they don’t tell their companies story alone. They coauthor a new story with their dream clients; a story that includes not only their beliefs and visions, but one that includes their client’s story, their beliefs, and their vision Read More
In sales you further with persuasion than hitting people over the head with facts no matter how accurate they may be. Why sales people continue to argue irrelevant facts rather than practicing the art of persuasion is a mystery, bit it usually comes down to lack of experience, or too much ego Read More
A trigger is a need to buy, an event that pushes you to buy the product right now. Not six months or a year down the road, but now Read More
Requests are more of an art than a science. It’s one of the most important skills to selling – to be able to ask for something and get buy-in from someone else.

The more often you think about what’s important to others, the easier it will be to get what you want – regardless if it’s new business, a date, or just some time to yourself to lounge on the coach. Always ask for what you want by positioning your request as an opportunity for another Read More
Sales people often see objections as red flags, and they just can’t help but react. There are entire programs on dealing with objections, handling objections, deflecting objections, embracing objections, the list goes on…

Most of these programs attempt to help sales people “deal” with objections by teaching them what to say, what to do, or how to avoid them. I recommend a different approach… Take objections to the EDGE Read More
Persistence and determination are essential attributes for success in any endeavor, especially sales. But too often salespeople believe that persistence and determination are the result of quarterly calls. Being persistent requires the grit and determination to make the calls, and to make them with a frequency that is meaningful enough to be effective. Read More
There is no business that is worth taking if it costs you your honesty and your integrity. It is difficult to walk away from deals that require you to violate your honesty and integrity, but it is even more difficult to live with what it means about you as a salesperson Read More

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