There some basics that every sales person needs to master, one is being able to articulate why people buy from you. Most sales people resort to marketing babble rather than delivering a concise statement that really speaks to and is meaningful to the buyer Read More
Sales like other professions should require continuous development. Unfortunately many sales people do not invest sufficient time in their development, and as a result do not reach their full economic potential. Organizations also lack the conviction to continuously invest in their most important asset, their revenue engine Read More
Selling isn’t about manipulation. It isn’t about tips, tricks, secrets or gimmicks. Success in sales is built on caring enough to help other people achieve the outcomes that they need to succeed Read More
Do you leave a message when you are cold calling a prospect? Here are 2 reasons and 5 tips to help you with the answer to this question Read More
Prospecting requires an iron discipline. It is easy to let your prospecting efforts suffer, especially when you have won the big deals to meet your personal and company targets and goals. But disaster strikes without warning, and it is far better to dig your well before you are thirsty than is to wait until you are desperate Read More
A sales manger has many things balance in their role, key being a balance in coaching and managing, skills training should not be one. As in sports, you have the team coach, and has trainer specially selected to help him/her Read More
Nothing mentioned here is new, or breaking new ground. It's not "Sales 2.0". There's no new sales magic here, no stunning new concepts. It's often said that sales is a "numbers game." But you'll only win the numbers game if you earn the right numbers Read More
In sales many people give up to soon. Sometimes it is a lack of process, other time it is a misconception that the may be too assertive. The reality is constructive persistence always pays off Read More
A key determinant in successful B2B selling is to deliver measurable results by linking key corporate strategies with effective, implementable tactics. Face it, companies have more strategies than they can say grace over. What's more, there are so many tactical commodities available that it is immensely difficult to know which approaches are the "right" ones, that will deliver maximum impact.
By improving your own "sratactical" thinking, you can more effectively position your products or services to demonstrate how the customer can achieve greater, quantified results.
This article describes four key qualities to taking a "stratactical" approach, and to helping you gain executive attention while avoiding the "commodity trap" Read More
A great tip on how to have better success in customer conversion. Get the customer to commit by asking the right questions and saying the right things. People live up to commitments, especially a public commitment. Small Changes can make a big difference Read More

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