Cold Calling isn’t fun, but it is part of the sales process in most jobs. Here are 9 tips that you can use to make the cold calling more successful. Read More
The first step in gaining appointments when cold calling is to capture your dream client’s interest. In 9 out of 10 cases, offering to talk about yourself isn’t interesting and it isn’t compelling. Effectiveness in cold calling and appointment setting is built on differentiating yourself and your offering and by proving you can and will help your dream clients produce better business results Read More
Many people believe they have the silver bullet in sales, but then discover that it is fleeting. The real secret is to consistently execute what ever method, execute day in and day out and you will succeed even if it's not the best or latest and greatest method. Read More
Your sales manager doesn’t measure all of the activities that you must take in order to succeed in sales. Some of the most important performance-improving activities aren’t measured at all. Complete these nine activities this week; they won’t show up on your reports, but they will show up in your results Read More
You need client testimonials to help grow your business. Testimonials show potential clients that you know what you are doing. Find out how to get testimonials here Read More
Take a look at your business. Is your sales team caught up in the task side of the job versus the people side of the business? Are they so busy putting out fires they forget to fire up the customer to buy? Are your teams in meetings all day talking to each other instead of the most important person, the customer? Customers have lots of choices. Read More
It's the last day of April 2010, and I hereby proclaim today a Fearless Friday. What is Fearless Friday? Well, you'll have to decide for yourself, because that's part of being fearless today. But here's what Fearless Friday could mean:.. Read More
Wile E. Coyote was the poster-child for persistence and creativity in overcoming obstacles. What can his example teach you about business Read More
Clients often use your product or results of your service in ways that you or your company may not be aware of. Here is a way to capture these innovations and use them to help you grow your sales Read More
Getting hung up on is one of the most frustrating things sales people face. I’ll admit, it doesn’t hurt my feelings… unfortunately, it makes me angry! Over the years, I’ve learned to channel that frustration. Here are five techniques to use on prospects who hang up on you.. Read More

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