Many sales are lost because salespeople assume they know what the customer wants. Sales people like to made assumptions of knowledge about what the buyer wants and needs, or sometimes more important Read More
One of the great things about sales is the basic need for constant learning and adoption of new skills. However many people in the trade get to a point where they trail off and coast with the market Read More
Everyone knows that the top 20% of salespeople generate 80% of the results. This is a surefire plan to not be bothered with the pressure of getting results or having to carry the bottom 80%. Here’s h Read More
With the right contact strategy, you don't have to worry about how many times you reach out to a prospect, you can focus on the Right time. Without timing and the right message, you'll be forgotten Read More
ales effectiveness is a tricky blend of autonomy and discipline. It is a combination of art and science, and effectiveness means you need to when to exercise each. Effectiveness is striking the right Read More
Be on the look out for a business sponsor in a company to help you sell. The business sponsor will typically have wins that they can receive if your product or service is used by their company. Read More
Everyone wants to keep their clients, especially their key accounts. But not everyone deserves to keep his or her key accounts. Do you want to create loyal clients? Ask yourself these questions (no lie, this is going to sting a little . . . maybe more than a little). Read More
Emerging trends in Social CRM platforms, including the business implications of choosing to acknowledge and interact with your customers rather than allow conversations to carry out without your organization’s knowledge or participation. Read More
If your prospect does not see the value in your product or service, and if the only difference between you and the competitors is in pricing, you didn’t do a good job as a sales person. Read More

The Nurture Toolkit

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5269 days ago
Nurturing your dream clients means providing something of value to them before they ever make a decision to buy from you. The ability for your ideas to make a difference for your dream clients is what sets you apart from your competition, and it is ultimately why they choose you. To nurture your dream clients, treat them like they are already your clients; treat them as if helping them to improve Read More

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