Where to find prospects, try you local Chamber of Commerce. This article includes 4 tips to help you out and the golden rule of prospecting through you’re your local Chamber of Commerce. Read More
Every salesperson needs a good Elevator Speech. But it is more important to have an Elevator question that generates interest and generates opportunities. Excellent questions help define your brand and demonstrate you can create results. Read More
Options are great in buying a car or playing the upside on a stock, but they don't belong in selling. As an expert you should work to understand the buyers specific objectives, and present the best solution based on that. If you need to make adjustments make them based on further input from the buyer. Read More
Salespeople use scripts. Even those who believe they don’t use scripts are really relying on scripts, albeit ones that haven’t been refined as well as they might be. By writing and rehearsing your scripts, you will be smoother, you will be more consistent, you will be more persuasive, and you will be more effective. Read More
LinkedIn is a powerful business tool. Here is one way to use LinkedIn to find targeted prospects. Included are steps with pictures to show you how to use LinkedIn to find prospects. Read More
There is a difference between coaching and managing. Coaching provides the opportunity to build the salesperson’s competence and their situational knowledge. Coaching the salesperson’s opportunities is an effective way to close the sales performance gaps. Read More
Like it or not, all sales organizations are participants in the race to sales competence. How many sales leads will your organization, whether a sole-proprietorship or large sales department, burn through because your sales people are incompetent (or, at least, less competent than they should be) at selling? How many marketing dollars will you invest in various Read More
Did you know that by following a proper wrapped around a CRM system will typically increase your revenue per salesperson by 41% and decrease your sales and marketing costs on average by 23%. See other positive statistics for a CRM system. Read More
Like a lot of new small companies we were familiar with different CRM solutions, but not enough to know which one would suit us best. We tried an expensive one, a cheap one, and in the end we built our own. Here’s our story. Read More
Salespeople are responsible for managing the outcomes that they sell their clients. If you sold anything even remotely complex, like a real business improvement, it is inevitable that the execution comes with built-in challenges and problems. Despite all of your Read More

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