Becoming the greatest salesperson in the world wouldn't be possible without a little guidance along the path. Where can you get the guidance you need? Read More
Ever wonder what makes sales people great? There is a terrific book that I don’t think very many people know about. It’s called How to Hire & Develop Your Next Top Performer. Although I read it years ago, the ideas I’m sharing today have stuck with me throughout my sales career... Read More
Rapidly growing 'social media" sites have the challenge of maintaining a "social" experience with their users while balancing the business realities of a growing site. Too big a gap between experience and expectations could leave users dissatisfied. Read More
Time is the most precious commodity to today’s buyers. They have a huge workload, few resources, little time, and many distractions. They usually go home late, still feeling disappointed with the day’s progress. No wonder it’s so hard to sell to these frazzled customers, says Jill Konrath, author of “SNAP Selling.” Read More
How to identify and find prospects takes a lot of effort. Here is an article on identifying prospects by numerous different parameters. Read More
Sales effectiveness is made up of executing well on the fundamentals of human effectiveness and sales effectiveness. All of the attributes that make up effectiveness can be improved, but effectiveness can’t be found in gimmicks, shortcuts, tricks, or secrets. Instead, it is found in blocking and tackling. Read More
Think you can effectively do two things at once? Think again! Brad Trnavsky and Jerry Kennedy discuss the myth of multi-tasking and its effect on the quality of your work. Read More
Plans and goals without action are dead before they're born. Procrastination is the enemy of success; learn how to feel the fear of failure and act anyway! Read More
Sherlock Holmes had a remarkable ability for finding out what sort of people he was dealing with, through powers of close observation.

The salesperson must understand his customer, and his understanding must be based on facts. Read More
It is important to monitor events within your client companies and your dream client companies. But, by itself, triggers are not enough. They make you look like an opportunist, and it is better to have built relationships, spent time within the organization, and to have a real understanding of their dissatisfaction. Read More

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