Call me a prude if you will, but I’ve had it with sellers who are totally clueless that they’re going too far, too fast in their initial meeting with me. The worst thing is, they have no idea how their actions are perceived.

Could you possibly be guilty of this promiscuous behavior? Read More
Two simple words that will, when taken to heart, do more to improve your selling skills than just about any other combination. Sound too good to be true? Well, read on... You are about to be taken to a place where every customer is heard, and useless small talk has been banished...where the focus is on results, and you are an active contributor to helping your customer achieve his/her goals... Al Read More
A successful sales manager has to coach his/her team members to success. This is a special challenge when a manager who was a "farmer" is faced with coaching reps how to "hunt". Read More
The word “simple” means that something is not complicated. It doesn’t mean that something is without difficulty. Selling is difficult. Here are five simple (but not easy) ways you can sell more. Read More
Some incorrectly equate one call close selling with aggressive or sleazy sales techniques. This isn't the case, but successful selling in a one call close environment does require significant sales skill. The one call close seller must convert a shopper to a customer in a quick Read More
Want to improve the quality of your customer presentations? Here are four simple questions to challenge yourself with. If you can answer these before walking into the appointment with your prospective customer, you will significantly increase the odds of a successful effort. Good luck! Read More
Anthony Iannarino interviews Tom Peters on his new book, The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence. Tom talks about brand you, the little big things in sales, the value of business acumen, the politics of change management, and Twitter. (Part One) Read More
Selling is hard. Why are large sales so different from smaller ones? There are many reasons according to this evidence based approach. Read More
Credit card fraud is a serious problem for all businesses. This article outlines how to prevent credit card chargebacks from happening to your online business Read More
How to get a mentor. Learning from others is the best way to get from point A to Point Z. Mentors can be found in a lot of different places, you just have to know how to look. Read More

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