Sales people should consider either outsourcing their excuses for not doing what they should, or do a better job of executing their sales so they don’t need excuses. But not doing what they need to and having weak excuses to rationalize this just don’t cut it. Read More
There is no way to succeed in sales without selling. Selling requires opening relationships and prospecting, and it requires asking for and obtaining commitments. The cottage industry that markets the idea that success can be had without these are marketing a lie. The profession would do well to train their salespeople to sell instead of giving them false hope. Read More
It is interesting to note that there is a 50% increase in the number of potential patients who are happy with the customer service they receive from our free clinics compared to our paying clinics. However, there is a 400% difference in their respective conversion rates. Read More
Being the greatest in the world isn't easy; if it was, everyone would do it. If you want to be truly great, you have to keep growing! Read More
A unique business model on generating leads for your business with Jason Bahnak from Gateway Business Development. Read More
Sales leaders are always looking to improve the activity of their teams. One challenge is to get heir team members to understand how much time they should allocate to specific activities. This article looks at prospecting, offers ideas and a calculator give individuals clear focus on how much they actually need to do. Read More
Many people wonder what separates a top performing sales person from the rest of the pack. Here are 17 best practices that top sales performers apply in their business. Read More
Trials are a very useful way of demonstrating to reluctant customers that you have something that they will value. A trial allows them to see for themselves what your product or service can deliver without committing to the full purchase price. Used correctly trials can be a tremendously effective way of boosting sales, particularly of products or services that do not yet have a reputation... Read More
Most business are used to offering just a few payments options: Cash is always acceptable. Checks are usually good. Credit cards are more common than they used to be, and are just about the only option if you want to accept payments by phone. But not all businesses have added an online payment option. With more and more of the purchasing process taking place online, though, it's becoming an impor Read More
Your effort will make or break your sales career. So will your knowledge and skill and ability to add value to your prospects' lives. So will your ability to create trusting and genuine short-term and long-term relationships with prospects, customers, managers, and suppliers. But, perhaps more than any of the factors above, this prospect type will have more to do with your career success than
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