There is an amazing number of people in the world who imagine that the law of selling (and business in general) is that one must make a profit by getting an advantage over other people. As a matter of fact, the very opposite is the case. Read More
The sales process is a non-linear. It is the salesperson’s duty to advance the sale from one stage to the next, but not to ignore the needs of their client or their client’s buying process. Sometimes this means going all the way and then backtracking to pick up the pieces in between. Read More
The key difference between an order-taker and a sales-maker is their approach and this approach makes a tremendous difference in their sales results. Read More
Many sales people find it challenging to sell to Type A prospects because they are aggressive and demanding. Apply these strategies to improve your results. Read More
A great tip on handing out a PowerPoint presentation - how to get your point across even better. How to add relevant information without wasting valuable slide real estate. Read More
Honesty and integrity are defining characteristics of successful salespeople. The fact that they are table stakes doesn’t mean that aren’t part of the client’s evaluation and selection process. Read More
For sales success to mean anything, we have to be given the opportunity to fail. The more we have the opportunity to fail, the more lucrative winning at sales can be. Celebrate sales failure. Embrace it. Commit to failing, because you can only succeed in a sales career if you also have the ability to fail. Read More
In sales trust is a must. While it may take hard work, the pay off is as rewarding as the punishment when it is lost. Read More
Sales managers and executives are constantly trying to figure out if they are going to meet or exceed plan month after month… quarter after quarter. As the end of the quarter approaches, managers call a meeting to figure out what everyone is going to do to ensure they hit their goals. Sound familiar? Read More

Micromanage Yourself

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5300 days ago
No one likes to be micromanaged. But being successful and doing quality work require that you micromanage yourself, keeping yourself on task and focused. Read More

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