With spring in the air, it is time to open the windows and let some fresh air in, and clean out winter's rut. Same goes for your pipeline, get rid of the trash the clutter, and bring in some opportunities that will grow nicely over the next couple of months. Read More
101 Marketing Strategies: Real marketing strategies that are working right now in the real world in terms of marketing your business. Read More
Brochures, flyers, catalogs: They're all part of the weak salesperson's selling arsenal. While these pieces can be helpful in marketing a business or a product, they are rarely much help to a salesperson in selling a product or service. Read More
Good customer service and what to do when you receive good customer service. How to change the world one compliment at a time. Read More
How bad customer service impacts your business and how it can impact your business. Plus a couple of real world examples. Read More
For sales people Sales 2.0 is a boon as long as they are smart about it. But if they don't manage their "social media footprint", it could impact their Reputation 2.0. Read More
Every sales professional talks about referrals being one of the most successful sales techniques, but few actually pursue them. According to Jim Cross, author of Bacon & Eggs: How to be Totally Committed to Your Sales Career, referrals should be considered a by-product of excellent customer service standards. If you’re not asking for referrals, he notes, you’re only cheating yourself. Read More
Sales Opportunity Acid Test (SOAT) – How to rank and prioritize sales pursuits so that you are focusing your efforts where they should be and not spinning your wheels on pursuits that you shouldn’t be chasing. How to create a SOAT list. Read More
Wallowing in regret for the past and anxiety for the future is the path to mediocrity in sales. The secret to true success lies in the ability to remain present, to live firmly in the now. Read More
The more you sell and the better salesman you become, the more you get to brag, the greater your reputation, the more you sell, and on it goes... Read More

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