Getting your clients to the Oh Sh*t Moment - Oh Sh*t, you mean... I can save money, get more, etc. Two ways to get to an Oh Sh*t moment with you clients and how to get them to open their eyes and buy. Read More
“Mañana.” It will wait until tomorrow. There are times when it is so tempting to tell yourself that, and actually believe it. But that's just not how things get done. Read More
What is sales 2.0? Technology? The integration of technology? Jeb Brooks takes a look at the topic. Read More
Many people are missing out on valuable sales opportunities because they neglect to follow up after the initial sales call. Read More
If you want to become a truly great salesperson, focus on the differentiations that make you and your product unique. Remember that YOU are Nature's greatest miracle! Read More
Playing Sales Whack A Mole? Not all sales are worth chasing. How to figure out what to pursue. Read More
Some lead from the front and some lead from behind. If you want to lead your team to great results, you can't do it from behind a desk or spreadsheet. Read More
Everyone knows that the top 20% of salespeople generate 80% of the results. This is a surefire plan to not be bothered with the pressure of getting results or having to carry the bottom 80%. Here’s how to maintain your place in the bottom 80%. Read More
How to use Google Reader to get Alerts on keywords and phrases that you want to search on. Track mentions on your company, your competition, your products or whatever you want. Save time and spend it on more profitable tasks. Read More
Sales is getting too soft. This is not a call to return to the hard sell, but instead a reminder that the outcomes that we in sales want and need have not changed. Being professional and being too soft are two very different things. Read More

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